December 10, 2012

PST - PCT Practice

 Put in the correct verb forms.
1. Andy __________________ the family car.                                                               2. His friend _________ to school.
   a) washs                                                                                                                         a) go
   b) wash                                                                                                                          b) goes
   c) washes                                                                                                                       c) going
   d) washing                                                                                                                    d) gos

3. Do you _________________ milk in your tea?                                                        4. It __________ a beautiful day.
   a) liking                                                                                                                          a) is
   b) liks                                                                                                                             b) ising
   c) likes                                                                                                                            c) are
   d) like                                                                                                                             d) areing

5.Mandy and Susan ___________________ films every weekend.                         6. John is ____________ handball.
   a) watch                                                                                                                         a) plays
   b) watches                                                                                                                    b) playes
   c) watcheing                                                                                                                 c) playing
   d) watching                                                                                                                  d) playing

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