August 02, 2013

Exercise on Present Perfect Simple

5to Año - TAE
Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
  1. (not / work)  today.
  2. We (buy)  a new lamp.
  3. We (not / plan)  our holiday yet.
  4. Where (be / you) ?
  5. He (write)  five letters.
  6. She (not / see)  him for a long time.
  7. (be / you)  at school?
  8. School (not / start)  yet.
  9. (speak / he)  to his boss?
  10. No, he (have / not)  the time yet.

December 10, 2012

Past Simple Tense

. Complete the sentences in simple past tense.

A. My parents _______________ [go] to Mendoza last year.

B. The doctor _______________ [see] my knee and said it was OK.

C. That is a lie! I _________________ [not – write] her a letter.

D. The class __________________ [visit] an old museum in Paris. It was wonderful.

E. We never __________________ [travel] to Montana. It’s too far away.

F. You ________________ [see] a new film yesterday.

G. He was angry, because nobody __________________ [go] to his birthday party.

H. I’m so excited! The Cougars’ team ________________ [win] the football tournament.

I. They called me last night from France. We ____________________ [speak] in French.

J. I __________________ [not – do] my homework because I was really tired.

K. Oliver Kahn was a great goal keeper. He ___________________ [catch] tones of balls.

L. My little brother ____________________ [learn] Argentine History.

M. The class was awful! We __________________ [do] too much work.

Past Simple Exercise

Reorder the following words to make sentences.

A . didn’t – New York – We – year – last – go – to
B. holydays – ? – go – you –Where – on – did
C. yesterday – met – my parents – I
D. got – very late – train – The
E. never – you – movie – that – saw

B. __________________________________________________

Present Continuous Tense - Practice

 Rewrite these sentences in Present Continuous Tense.

1. She speaks English _________________     2. I do my homework _____________________
3. We study Mathematics ______________     4. He runs faster _________________________
5. Thomas comes to the school __________     6. The teacher asks a question ______________
7. My friend writes me a letter ___________    8. I learn Biology ________________________
9. Jonas eats a sandwich _______________   10. Robert and Tanne use a computer _________

PST - PCT Practice

 Put in the correct verb forms.
1. Andy __________________ the family car.                                                               2. His friend _________ to school.
   a) washs                                                                                                                         a) go
   b) wash                                                                                                                          b) goes
   c) washes                                                                                                                       c) going
   d) washing                                                                                                                    d) gos

3. Do you _________________ milk in your tea?                                                        4. It __________ a beautiful day.
   a) liking                                                                                                                          a) is
   b) liks                                                                                                                             b) ising
   c) likes                                                                                                                            c) are
   d) like                                                                                                                             d) areing

5.Mandy and Susan ___________________ films every weekend.                         6. John is ____________ handball.
   a) watch                                                                                                                         a) plays
   b) watches                                                                                                                    b) playes
   c) watcheing                                                                                                                 c) playing
   d) watching                                                                                                                  d) playing

November 17, 2012

Past Stories

Ok boys and girls, brainstorm your ideas here. put the sentences as a comment below.

October 26, 2012


Change to reported speech using the introductory phrase in brackets!

1. Mary said:”I will play cards the day after tomorrow”. (Mary informed me…)
2. Sophie said:”I went to bed early last night”. (Sophie said ….)
3. The teacher said to Jenny: “You have to learn your grammar”. (The teacher told Jenny…)
4. Monique to the immigration officer:” This is my first trip to England.” (Monique told the immigration officer…)
5. He told me:”You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen”. (He told me …)
6. Nick said:”I’m going to visit my parents next month”. (Nick declared that …)
7. Lilly: “My parents are fine and I really get on with them”. (Lilly said …)
8. Gloria:” I am sorry but I can’t come to your birthday party because I am going away for the weekend.” (Gloria explained that …)
9. Mark:”My friend Gary has found a new job in the music business.” (Mark said that …)
10. Judy: “I have already written this essay four times.” (Judy complained that …)
11. Peter: “I will not stop until this factory is shut down”. (Peter announced that …)
12. Her boyfriend told her: “You have bought yourself a wonderful dress. “ (Her boyfriend told her…)
13. Paul: “I don’t like my new flat” (Paul said that …)
14. My father to Ben:”I am sure I saw you here last week.” (My father told Ben…)
15. Betty:”If I knew the answer I would tell you”. (Betty assured me ….)
16. He said:” Tomorrow at five o’clock I will be sitting on a train to Glasgow.” (He said that…)
17. Miss Jackson:”I warned you to study for the test a month ago.” (Miss Jackson reminded me...)
18. Dave:”I was outside the classroom during the break but I saw a group of my colleagues inside the room.” (Dave said that …)
19. Mrs Wilson: “No one has ever spoken to me like this before.” (Mrs Wilson said …)
20. Little Johnny to his neighbour:” I am not proud of what I have done”. (Little Johnny admitted…)